Sunday, September 30, 2007

Zorse?! Of Course!

What do you get when you cross a Zebra and a Horse?
A Zorse, of course!

Apparently, they are quite skittish.
and they're real!
I heard about these on this fantastic little movie called I'm Reed Fish, which only opened in 1 city, but starred Jay Baruchel(of Knocked Up fame) and Alexis Bladell(from Gilmore Girls) and is really a nice movie :D.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I Don't know what it is....

But I love this new commercial from Levis!
Now I want some jeans...

Monday, September 24, 2007

I am so excited!

that Knocked Up is coming out tomorrow! (I'm a little obsessed)
And so, in celebration, I both hunted and pecked and found this scene, one of my favorites, when they are tripping on mushrooms.

Another Comedian I adore...

Kyle Dunnigan. I know I've already posted about him, but he is really funny, and I found new videos!!

One of my new favorite Comics

His Name is Howard Kremer AKA 'Dragon Boy Suede' It's a little dirty, but really funny.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Hey You! YOu need a t-shirt!

Yes, you do.
and where better than to head on over to Threadless and pick up some merch!
All of the shirts are made by different people that enter via submissions, and they are voted on, the best of which are available for your purchase. Once you see all of the fantastic, slightly weird, and often funny t-shirts that Threadless has to offer, you'll want to buy them all!

again, that's Threadless

P.S. Threadless


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

By the way...

How much did Brittney Spears Suck?
Very Much.

I know that this video is really old...

but after winning the VMA, I decided to check out Umbrella by Rhianna.
it's stylistic, i love it!