Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Little Bit of Old School Nickelodeon throwback.

A Few Things on this, my 101st post

Yes, my 2 occasional readers(if that) my last post about the bears superbowl song was my 100th post. Very exciting.
OK-A Few Things:

1.The GIANTS won the superbowl, as I knew they would, although the other dorm rooms around me weren't that excited.
2.Brittany Spears has officially gone cookoo bird crazy pants. I'm glad she's getting help though.
3.I know it's been a while, but school just started up again, so I'm super busy. I'll be a little lax in the posting, but they'll be there-just wait and see.

Here's a video for your enjoyment. I love those new axe commercials.