Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Don't hate me but...

I found this picture and it just cracked me up.
this is it, I promise.

I know I'm obsessed...

But here's another Flight of the Conchords song-I can't help it, they're just so hysterical.

Footloose throwback, anyone?

This one features Demitri Martin, a very hysterical commedian!

Another Flight of the Conchords song

A song to bump up Brets self esteem.

Flight of the Conchords

A song about David Bowie

Waitless and GUI

Have you seen these new Sprint commercials? I think they are genius! I'm always a fan of G.U.I. or Graphic User Interface, which is the images you see on top of the video. I think they're really interesting.